Help with Head and Body Rounds 42 and on

over one month ago, Lsgoetz wrote:

I have made a bunch of amigurumi but the instructions starting at round 42 on the "head/body" section have me perplexed! After I chain the 7 stitches do I join it to the opposite side and then mark a stitch and continue around? I just can't get passed this point- I have ripped it back over and over! I am sure it is so simple and my mind is just not catching on. Any clarification help would be awesome!


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Re: Help with Head and Body Rounds 42 and on

over one month ago, Joke wrote:

 On 2021-01-17 09:24:50, Lsgoetz wrote:

I have made a bunch of amigurumi but the instructions starting at round 42 on the "head/body" section have me perplexed! After I chain the 7 stitches do I join it to the opposite side and then mark a stitch and continue around? I just can't get passed this point- I have ripped it back over and over! I am sure it is so simple and my mind is just not catching on. Any clarification help would be awesome!


Hi Lsgoetz,

No, you only do the actions that are described. So you chain 7 and then you work back on the chain (this means: you crochet IN the chains you have just made).

I hope this helps.

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